Thank you Claire Wineland!

Claire Wineland; Photograph by Larissa Perroux
I discovered Claire Wineland on Youtube.

One time I’ve stumbled upon a video of her talking about her disease and how her family expected her to not live long enough. From that day on I became interested about her condition - Cystic Fibrosis and how she has been battling with the disease since birth.

On August 26, 2018 Claire died from a massive stroke a week after her lung transplant.

I was saddened by her passing but man what a life she lived! So inspiring and impactful!

I am one of the many people who was fortunate enough to know her through her videos and her journey. She has inspired me with her wisdom and her life.

One thing I learned from her was this, that no matter how you may prepare yourself to be at peace with your death there will always be fear because our body is built and designed to survive. Even the most basic unit of life – our cell is constantly sustaining itself. It resonated with me because I thought that by constantly thinking about my mortality that I can be at peace with me dying and leaving earth. I was wrong. I may have a different view about death because of my faith but the truth is it still scares me.

Thank you Claire for inspiring me to live my life purposefully. Your life reminds me to look deeper into mine and make every moment of it worthwhile.

Thank you for showing us to not live life in futility and always be grateful for every single moment that we get to spend our life in this beautiful planet.

You have taught me so many things and made me realize and appreciate more the things I have.

You fought the good fight and until the end you were brave.

Thank you for the life you’ve lived! You were a fighter until the end.

Thank you for not allowing your sickness to define you and using it as a platform to spread awareness to people around the world. Thank you for touching my life with your wit and attitude!

“It’s not the number of years you have lived but how you lived your life and how it impacted other people’s lives that is important.”

You can now breathe all the air you want up there Claire!


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