The Importance of being in a CELL GROUP

Hebrews 1:1 – 4:13

Jesus has to become human in order for him to feel the way we feel. Like every human, He also was tempted but He was able to resist it. It clearly shows that we can also resist temptations. Not only can we fight worldly urges, we can also be Christ-like –imitators of Jesus. Like Jesus we can be forgivers of people who have done us wrong, doers of good, lovers of the word of God and most especially, fishers of men.

Hebrews 3:12-13

                So brothers and sisters, be careful that none of you has the evil thoughts that cause so much doubt that you stop following the living God. But encourage each other everyday, while you still have something called “today”. Help each other so that none of you will be fooled by sin and become too hard to change.

                This passage shows the importance of our “CELL GROUPS”. By being with your cell group you are encouraged and inspired to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord. And whenever you’re in doubt of your self and your faith is slowly weakening, your cell group will always be there to help you. 

Always take notice of your progress with your involvement with your cell group.

                A simple illustration of this will be a group of coal burning. If you separate a single coal from the heap of burning charcoals, it will lose its heat and the flame will slowly die making it cold. Comparing the coal to US, we need to connect to our cell groups regularly so that we will grow together spiritually and have a deeper connection with the Lord as a group.
                Like the burning coals, let us keep the passion burning within us. Let us desire more of HIM in our lives and maintain a spiritual lifestyle with God as the center of it.

               Let us not grow weary and tired of doing the will of God. As followers of Christ we must press on and continue doing His will before the “day” comes.

                Keep the fire burning! 


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